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Winchester Chapter of the 
Izaak Walton League

Campground Reservation Information

The process for reserving the campground:
- Complete the online Youth Activity request form
a. Reservations are first come/first served
b. In the case of a weekend with multiple requests, please work with us
- All requests need to be approved by the Board of Directors. 
        a. Requests made at least 30 days in advance are helpful for us
- A confirmation with be returned to the requestor.

The campground area is a 16 acre forest with hiking trails, a tomahawk throwing range and access to the Opequon Creek. The Chapter currently has four campsites.

The Glaize campsite contains two permanent firepits, four tent pads, a shelter, picnic tables and room for 50 campers with tents or hammocks.

The Prater outpost is a completely primitive site for up to 25 campers and is a .25 mile hike through the forest with a dedicated hammock camping area and meadow.

The R Dino campsite is on the Opequon creek, can hold up to 20 campers.

The Arico campsite is located close to the Glaize campsite along the trail and can accommodate up to 15 campers. It has a shelter, a large tent pad and hammock camping for 6.

The Chapter Campground is open to area youth groups!

The Winchester Chapter of the Izaak Walton League is non-profit organization dedicated to getting
youth into the outdoors. Our facilities are available to youth organizations for outdoor experiences.
Our chapter offers the following activities:

  • Camping/Hiking
  • Fishing
  • 3D Archery
  • Rifle Shooting
  • Shotgun Shooting

We are happy to coordinate with your group for these activities. There may be costs with shooting
activities. We will need time to coordinate any activities on our ranges so requests made well in
advance are more likely to be accommodated.

We are an organization completely run by volunteers. Please let us know if your group would like to
complete a small conservation service project.

Upcoming events

Glaize Campsite (Lower Campground)

The Prater Outpost Campsite

R Dino Campsite on the Opequon Creek

Arico Campsite (coming soon)

The rules for using our campground are simple, follow the 7 principles of Leave No Trace and practice The Outdoor Code. 

The Outdoor Code:

As an American, I will do my best to --

* Be clean in my outdoor manners.

* Be careful with fire.

* Be considerate in the outdoors.

* Be conservation-minded.

The 7 Principles of Leave No Trace:

Plan ahead and prepare.

Research the best activity for you. Know the limits for your group and always base your distance and expectations by the least experienced or weakest individual in your group.

Check the weather report, pack and dress accordingly.

Travel and camp on durable surfaces.

The Chapter does not allow camping on the shooting ranges or by the lake.

Always stay on the trail when hiking.

Walk single file on trails, even if it means through mud.

Because the Chapter has active shooting ranges, we insist that any hikes outside the campground stay on the roads or marked trails.

Dispose of waste properly.

Please remove garbage from the campground area. The dumpsters by the chapter house can be used.

There are portable bathrooms (Johnny Blue) in the campground and at the ranges. The Chapter house has flush bathrooms and it is accessible.

Leave what you find.

Do not pick wildflowers or leaves.

Do not stack rocks.

Do not carve into trees or rocks.

Do not leave painted rocks

Minimize campfire impacts.

Please contain all fires to the established firepits.

Extinguish your fire completely before leaving your campsite.

Please do not bring firewood to the Chapter. We provide firewood at the established firepits.

Respect wildlife.

Observe wildlife from a distance. Do not approach, chase or feed animals. Food should be stored in secure locations in the evening and overnight (trailers, vehicles, bear bags).

Please do not allow off leash dogs to chase wildlife

Be considerate of other visitors.

Respect others experience in nature.

Leave No Trace Official 7 Principles

The Outdoor Code


The Winchester Chapter of the Izaak Walton is here to bring our community together to experience, enjoy, and positively impact the great outdoors in our area.

Visit the National Chapter Site at:


540-662-2976 (voice message)


2863 Millwood Pike Winchester, VA 22602

Mailing: PO Box 2955 Winchester, VA 22604



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